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Purple Water Soluble Dye Study

By Fizz Fairy  •  2 comments  •   5 minute read

Purple Water Soluble Dye Study

Come find the perfect purple for you! We tested all of our purple dyes so that you don't have to. Choose from 5 different purple water soluble dyes. Perfect for bath bombs, body scrubs, lotions and more! 

Lets cover the basics! Q&A

How do I Bloom my Dye?

Blooming your water soluble dye is easy! All you need is a few minutes to mix your baking soda and dye together to activate your beautiful Krazycolour. Take your desired dye that requires blooming, add your dye to your baking soda and spray with distilled water until mixture feels like wet sand. Fully incorporate and mix baking soda, dye and water together. Lay coloured mix on cookie sheet to dry fully. Once dry, use in your bath bomb mix. 

What is a water soluble dye? 

Water soluble dyes are highly concentrated powdered dyes that are for use in bath bombs, soaps, lotions, bubble bath, shampoos, conditioners and more! Our Krazycolours are extremly concentrated dyes. These dyes should be used carefully and gloves should be worn when make products as they can cause temporary skin staining.

How much dye should I use? 

We always recommend starting with 1/2-1 tsp of dye per 2 cups of Baking Soda, depending on the colour you want to achieve. For this colour study we used 10 grams of dye for 5 cups of baking soda (roughly 2 1/2 tsp/ 5 cups BS). We find that blooming larger amounts works best for us because we like to have left over bloomed ready-to-go dye. Store the bloomed baking soda in an air tight container for use as needed. 

Should I use Poly 80? 

Our dyes should not stain skin or tubs if used within the recommended amount. If you are exceeding 1 tsp dye per 2 cups Baking Soda, Poly 80 may be required to avoid temporary staining. Some Krazycolours are stronger than others (Examples: Hot pink, teal, blue 1). ALWAYS test your products before sale. 

Do I replace the baking soda in my bath bomb recipe with my bloomed baking soda? 

Yes! If your bath bomb recipe calls for 2 cups of baking soda, use 2 cups of your bloomed baking soda. 

My bath bombs fade! How do I stop this? 

If you are having trouble with your bath bombs fading, rest assured it is not only you! Fading can happen due to many factors. Lighting is the #1 reason for your beautiful Krazycolours to be fading. We recommend storing your bath bombs, and bloomed baking soda in dry dark spaces. Try to avoid leaving your products exposed to fluorescent lighting. Although your bath bombs may fade slightly over time, the Krazycolour dye will still be vibrant once it hits the water! 

Should I use alcohol or witch hazel to my bath bomb mix? 

We do not use alcohol or witch hazel in our bath bomb mixture because it can cause discolourations. We have not studied our Krazycolours with the use of either Alcohol or Witch Hazel and are not sure how either ingredient will react with the dye. 

Why is my powdered dye a weird colour? 

Does your Krazycolour not look how you imagined? No stress- our water soluble dyes show their true beautiful colour when activated by water. Once you activate the dye with water, you will get a huge colour pay off! 

What is the difference between USA or CANADIAN? 

If you live in the USA, you will need to know and understand the requirements in the US to sell products that are approved. US residents are required to use FDA Batch Certified Dyes in bath bombs, however any other products that are not for soaking only require FDA approved products.

Helpful link: 

Canadian residents must use FDA Approved Dyes (ALL of our Dyes are FDA approved!) 

Helpful link:

Krazycolour purple colour study

Amethyst USA

Our findings: You MUST bloom your Batch Certified Amethyst Dye. If you do not bloom your dye in baking soda ahead of time you will not achieve a purple colour. To bloom your dye add 10 grams of dye to 5 cups of baking soda. Spray with water and mix until colour is fully mixed in and your mix feels like wet sand. Lay out on baking sheet to dry for up to 24 hours in a dry place. Use your bloomed baking soda in your bath bomb mix . 

Buy it HERE

Amethyst (CANADA) 

Our findings: This Amethyst dye looks best when bloomed. To achieve a vibrant dark purple bloom this dye before use. If you do not bloom this dye, you will achieve a lighter, less vibrant purple bath bomb. Notice how our final bath bomb has a deep, dark purple finish? Your bloomed baking soda when added to your bath bomb recipe helps achieve this dark purple. 

Buy it HERE

Grape Jelly Dye (Canada)

Our findings: Our grape purple dye looks best when bloomed. Although there is not a huge difference in the colour when bloomed/not bloomed, it does give off a slightly more purple colour when bloomed. This purple dye can be compared to  a denim blue/purple. 

Buy it HERE


Grape Dye (USA)

Our findings: This beautiful true purple dye looks best when bloomed. If you do not bloom the dye before use your bath bombs it will become pink and spotted. 

Buy it HERE

Royal Dark Purple Dye 

Our findings: Our Royal Dark Purple Dye requires blooming before use for best results. Much like the grape dye, if you do not bloom your dye before use it will become pink and spotted. This dye is similar in colour to our Grape dye, however has a deeper purple colour. 

Buy it HERE


In Conclusion... 

Our Krazycolour purple dyes can be a challenge! Finding the perfect colour for you and your products is something we are so happy to help with. We have learned that the following dyes require blooming: 

  • Amethyst USA
  • Amethyst Canada 
  • Grape 
  • Royal Dark Purple

Our Grape Jelly Dye, although looks better when bloomed, it is not required and does not have a huge difference. 

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Thank you sooooo much for your article on Blooming. I noticed that you recommend that you let the bloomed backing soda dry in its entirety. I have not been doing this. I take the wet bloomed backing soda right into bath bomb process. Will I have better results if I let it dry completely? Thanks again for the article.

Cynthia L Vogel,

Please add information on use of dyes in cold process soapmaking. Very interested in this use and have not seen information on use for this application. Thanks. Love your colors.

Donna Grosseth,

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